Gavin Newsom includes in his budget plan offering health coverage to all qualifying undocumented immigrants

9:36 PM by

If the plan presented this Monday by the governor of California is approved, the state would be the first in the country to provide access to health to all residents who are eligible according to their economic income, regardless of their age or immigration status.

California may become the first state in the country to provide health coverage to all of its residents, regardless of immigration status, if the budget plan presented Monday by Governor Gavin Newsom is approved.

Some of them are already covered by the state Medicaid program, MediCal, which offers access to health care for people with fewer resources: those who live in California and are under 26 and over 55. But now Newsom's goal is that all residents of the state who are undocumented and eligible according to their wages, including those between 26 and 49 years of age, be covered as of January 1, 2024.

The initiative is the result of years of activism under the slogan # Health4All . Senator María Elena Durazo, one of her promoters, celebrated the achievement and made it clear that her wish is that it now be discussed by the state legislature.


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